Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Back In The Saddle Again

For the first time in 6 weeks and 5 days, I didn't send my family out the door while they tackled their latest adventure and I stayed behind to rest.

I went with them.

And it was awesome.

The whole family atop Badger Mountain, Spring Break, Day 3

It felt fantastic to be outside and I can't wait to do it again.

Hannah could tell how excited I was and snapped this picture. Love that girl.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Radio Silence

No, that's not me. Photo found here

I am sick.

And because I don't want to be a blog all about the yucky side of life and complain, complain, complain AND because I'm having a hard time finding something nice to say, I'm staying quiet.


I will be back! Germ-free and feeling fly!

Til then, friends.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday Letters

Dear St. Patrick's Day,

I'm not even the teensiest bit Irish but today makes me happy. Green eggs and toast for breakfast, new shirts for the kids and an afternoon of fun. Thanks for making a boring old Wednesday something worth celebrating.

Top of the morning to ya,


Dear AT&T,

I'm on the verge of a very big birthday and what I want more than anything is an iPhone but your coverage in my neighborhood sucks. I drop calls constantly, get no bars in my own home, and get most of my messages hours after they've been left for me. You and your stupid iPhone are no good for me. And that makes me sad.

Shortly Switching to Verizon,


Dear Sienna,

I know you are scared of your kindergarten shots which are coming later this afternoon, but I'll be with you the whole time. You're a brave little biscuit and will be just fine. Squeeze my hand as hard as you like.



Dear Austin,

I hope you are having a ball at Grandma's house. She said you and cousin Devin are about the cutest things ever. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Don't do anything spectacular without me.



Dear Riz,

Only one more night in your way-too-long career as Man With Two Jobs. Thank you for the many sacrifices you have made to provide for our family. You are the best husband I know. And tonight, we celebrate!



Dear JK Rowling,

Thanks for writing a series that has captured my son's heart. He was hesitant to read your work for fear it would be too scary for him, but he has loved every second of your story. A boy who would rather read for hours on end instead of playing video games? A mother's dream. You and Mr. Potter are magical.

On The Waiting List For Hogwarts,
Mrs. J


Dear Hannah,

I know you've taken your share of hits at school lately and my heart aches for you because of it. I should tell you that sometimes life isn't fair and that these lessons will prepare you for your future but what I really want to say is that sometimes, people just suck. They are mean and selfish and say horrendous things for no other reason than because they are awful little people. Hold your head high, sweet girl. You are exactly as you should be and I love you fiercely.

Proud Mama Bear,


Dear Dr. W,

Just as you said, your work is getting better with every passing day. You are the bomb diggity and I can't thank you enough.

Happily Healing,

Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Back And So Much Better Than Before

Today I went to Costco.

That's all. That's my whole story. Because it has been four weeks since I have been to Costco. And I've only been to two other stores briefly in four weeks which makes this a glorious day.

I won't dwell on the fact that my sweet sister-in-law had to come with me to lift everything because everything in Costco weighs more than 10 lbs and I'm still supposed to be quite limited in what I can do.

But today I went to Costco. And it was marvelous!

Happy weekend!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Under Seige

I am still alive. I am still on the couch. I am still bored out of my mind.


To spice things up, one or two or three of my children has been throwing up for the past 6 days which has made life around here exciting. Hannah came down with it first on Saturday morning. I joined the ranks around 5 that evening and can I just say, in a voice laced with hatred, that throwing up after major abdominal surgery is my new definition of hell. on. earth. I literally thought I was going to spontaneously combust and cease to exist any longer because the pain was unreal. I was the most needy I have been since Operation Karen 2.0 began and Brad worked tirelessly to help me through it all. Until Sienna decided to unload in the hallway around 10:30 that night. As Brad raced to help her, steam-cleaning and hair-holding as fast as he could, Austin started up in his crib. And I laid in my bed and listened to it all completely unable to do a darn thing to help. I slept on the bathroom floor for awhile while Brad cared for our two little sickies. He spent a miserable night trying to take care of them and woke up with his own case of the yucks early Sunday morning.

Like I said, hell on earth.

But Spencer! Glorious sweet Spencer who spent all of Sunday caring for his entire family. I tried to lay perfectly still in my permanent section of the couch while Brad rested next to me. Sienna and Hannah were in sleeping bags on the ground below us and Austin wandered around wondering why his parents had suddenly given up parenting. Spencer passed out Saltines and refilled sippies with 7-up. We would not have survived if it hadn't been for our Spence.


I'd like to say that we're all on the mend but we have had random barfies ever since. Austin on Monday. Hannah Tuesday night. Sienna and Austin both last night. No other symptoms. No fevers. Just barfies.

Good times.

Because of all of this, I am officially declaring March as Suck-It Month. Last March, our little family spent three weeks quarantined with one sort of yuck or another and here we are again. I always look forward to March, welcoming it's slightly warmer weather and blue skies. But now I know what March is really all about. Suffering and pain and misery. Well March, take note that I am on to you and am not playing your games any longer. You are officially the worst month of the year. You and your little leprechaun friends can go find someone else to torment. I am done.

Is it April yet?

Monday, March 01, 2010

Observations From The Couch

I have been on the couch, in virtually the exact same position, for 17 days.

17 freaking days!

And I'm not complaining, really, I'm not.

I'm just sayin'. That's a long farging time to be in one spot.

I finally started sleeping upstairs a few nights back and while it's taking some adjusting to as my newly shortened muscles stretch and find comfort, it's lovely to be back in my comfy bed. Beside my husband. I was lonely sleeping downstairs without him.

I also held Austin last night for the first time which was completely blissful. I laid a pillow across my tummy and Brad placed him on my lap. He snuggled against my shoulder like he always does and stared at my face. That has been the hardest part about this whole thing, the not making out with my kids on a regular basis. We sat for several minutes together until he decided to hop down. The hopping down part? Not so comfy but the shoulder snuggles? Heavenly.

I think I have officially seen every episode of House Hunters and House Hunters International. I never thought I could grow tired of HGTV but indeed I can.

I also took my first shower today which felt like the best thing ever. And you know how you have your very own shower routine? Like first you wash here and then you do that? Mine is all kinds of jacked up now that I have new parts. It's going to take some getting used to.

That is also not a complaint. I'm just sayin'.

The weather outside is killing me with it's gorgeousness. I'm itching to be out there in the sun but I know that if I can continue to do what I'm told a bit longer , I'll be feeling the warm breeze in no time.

My girlfriend Kelly was here all weekend and it was lovely except for all the times she made me laugh. Belly bursting laughter is no fun when you're belly has literally already been busted. She is the sweetest thing and took such good care of my family. I'm lonely today without her.

Tiffani has my little ones today and called to report Sienna's latest: she apparently fell off a chair and exclaimed "Oh! I just hurt my nuts!" Apparently there is a gross anatomy lesson in our future.

Did i mention that I have the best friends on the planet? Just today, Jen came at 7 this morning to get my kids ready for school. She made breakfast, did hair, and started laundry. She also ran to WinCo and Costco to restock my shelves. Lindsay called to make sure I didn't need anything and offered to give my kids rides to school. Tiffani has had Austin since 8:30 this morning and picked up Sienna after preschool and kept her for the afternoon. Tamara called to make arrangements for Austin tomorrow. Megan brought me a delicious lunch and Amy is on the books for bringing in dinner tonight. Seriously, I am astounded. I love them all so much and if any of them ever decide to have themselves gutted like a fish, I'm their girl.

Gotta run. House Hunters is coming on!