Thursday, March 29, 2007

Movin' On Up

We found out yesterday that our builder is way ahead of schedule and that we could be moving in three or four weeks. HOORAY, except that I haven't packed a single thing. Except for this:

Think we'll be ready???


tharker said...

Yay! Let me know what I can help with. Look at you, so organized with your labled boxes!

Heather said...

Yeah, wow! We drove by the house today, GORGEOUS! I can't wait to see it decorated "Johnson style".

Marilyn said...

Karen, that is amazing to find a contractor who is "ahead" of schedule. Hey, if you can feed 7 kids a full fledged breakfast, you can pack up an entire house in two weeks. No Problem!

speedpelet00 said...

I had to use the bathroom in your new house hope you don't mind-Jeremy

dandee said...

You can do it!

Alicia Leppert said...

You have nice, printed labels for your boxes?! Too funny.

Kelly said...

Anyone who labels their boxes in that way will have absolutely no problem getting ready to move in a few weeks. I was lucky if I had a sharpie around to label my moving boxes. Can't wait to see your new home!

meohmyers said...

I'm so excited to see your new house. I can't believe they're as far along as they are already. I'm so glad things worked out the way they did with the sell of your house. It's so convenient being able to move right when you need to! I hope our luck is the same!

PRP said...

Kelly! I'm so glad you can finally comment! I miss you!

Nicole said...


You are a woman after my own heart. I covet your labels!!! You will be ready, I am sure of it! ;)