So, to cheer myself from my cabin-fever, I set to work organizing and cleaning. I spent several hours in Squish's room going through four huge tubs of old girl's clothes to sort and clean. Knowing all that stuff will be put to use elsewhere makes me want to shout from the rooftops. I can't wait to usher it out the door.
Then, I invested in this little beauty and have found myself in love.
Finally, we took the kids to hit a few buckets of balls at the golf course today and in my extremely vain (and pregnant) state of mind, I purposefully left the camera at home so as not to have my humungo waggin' that I'm draggin' be viewed by the peeps of the world wide web. Trust me. I saved you a sight. But imagine my adorable kids, their fearless father, and me in all my glory swinging those golf clubs and having a ball. (Wink, wink.) We rocked that place. And after three weeks in quarantine, being outside in the sunshine was like, well, being outside. In the sunshine.
Hope you had fun too.
I love your new template! I am glad you are feeling better! We are too! Thank goodness...please no more sickies!
I feel that way about Dora and Elmo at our house. It never ends. Isn't the sunshine great? It makes wanting to organize and get your house clean so much more enjoyable. Good for you guys going to play Golf. I bet that really was fun!
Sounds like you took the time to be productive and get a manicure. Loved that you went golfing. One thing I have never tried. Sounds like it ended up to be a fun time.
How can you golf when you are pregnant? I couldn't ever get that one figured out. You are a smart woman.
I love the sunshine we are having and Saturday was just so beautiful!
Chipping away at golf balls sounds like a lot of fun. My boys would get a kick out of that, I'll have to check out the local driving range.
So glad your family is feeling better!
Love a good French manicure...I may have to pay a visit to Mr. Meyer's for a little Ms. Hansen's.
I love your new layout! Very cute. We have been outside all weekend loving it! Glad to hear your family is feeling better!
I love the new template! So fresh and spring like!
I love getting outside after being ill... something so lovely and refreshing about the sunshine :)
Going and hitting some golf balls sounds fun. I'm glad your family is feeling better and getting out and about.
my kiddos would love a golfing adventure. We'll have to try it. Glad you guys are doing better. Popcorn Friday wasn't the same without you.
Love the new template!
That french manicure pen looks ingenious! I need to try that puppy out.
I am so glad that you are all feeling better. Bring on Spring!!!
Love your blog! So cute, and I love the way your write! So glad everyone's doing better. I agree with Heather... how on earth did you swing a golf club around a pregnant tummy. I am very impressed!
You take your kids to hit golf balls, I like that. What a great idea. My kids occasionally get the urge to hit something :)
There is something super classy about the french manicure.
Sounds like a fun time.
I'm gonna have to try that french manicure pen!
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