Can it really be your birthday already? It seems like only yesterday that we were driving home from the hospital, Dad going slower than slow, and me sitting in the backseat with you marveling at how my world how changed. Know this, my sweet boy, you have been a blessing from day one.
You are quite an amazing kid here at the age of 8. You're favorite things to do right now are play baseball, watch baseball, and play baseball. You also love to jump on the tramp, ride your bike, write stories and read. I have a whole stack of stories saved that you've written and I can't wait to share them with you when you're older.
I love seeing you do things that you love doing-the pure joy on your face brings tears to my eyes. Baseball is your passion right now and you love to play it and watch your favorite team, the Mariners. You also love to collect baseball cards and have them all organized neatly in books. You keep your clean room and everything has it's place. I love that about you. The only thing you struggle with is where your socks end up but we're working on that one!
You also love school and you adore your teacher. She has been so good for you and you have blossomed under her wing. Your ear for Spanish is incredible and it still amazes me that my little guy is completely fluent! You have a definite talent in learning languages and your teacher thinks you could master several in your lifetime. I hope this to be true for you.
Despite being a picky eater, you are growing like a weed! We can't keep up with your constant need of longer pants and bigger shoes, and your little body cracks us up because you are soooooo loooonnnng and sooooooo leeeaaaannnn. Your legs seem like they could snap in two, they are that skinny, but they serve you well as you run and play. You love to be outdoors and are always working on some sport, whether it be catching for baseball or hitting in tennis. It's so fun to watch you meet your goals.
You and Dad have the best relationship. You absolutely worship him and the two of you almost have your own language (and I'm not just talking about the Spanish!) You can't wait for him to get home each day and you play together like best friends should. I hope that you always stay as close to him as you are now. He is a wonderful man who has so much to teach you, and if you stay by his side, you will be a most remarkable adult.
For the first time in your life, you and your sisters have recently started to butt heads, and it's almost been reassuring to me because I've often thought "no one can be that good." While it's hard for me to see you argue with them, I know that you love them fiercely and would do anything for them. Your concern for them when they get hurt or are sad is so touching and I hope you can always admire the strong women that they will become. Close relationships with your siblings will last you a lifetime. Just look at the bond Daddy has with Uncle Matt or me with Uncle Scot. Even though they can be annoying at times now, they will be with you forever and I hope you always count that as a blessing.
And what to say about your soon-to-be Baby Brother? You are so excited for this new man to come into our lives and I love the sweet things you say to me about him already. You will be a wonderful role model for him and I'm so excited to see you two together.
With all that you can do, Spence, my favorite thing about you is your gigantic heart. You are kind, you are sweet, you are loving and sincere, and this has made being your mother the experience of my lifetime. I am so proud of who you are and what you have to offer this world. I can't believe the child you are at eight. I can only imagine what the future holds for you.
All my love,
Congrats on the big 8! He is a fabulous kid.
Happy Birthday to a very handsome and kind 8 year old. Happy Birthday Spencer!
Happy Birthday Spence!
My twins will turn 8 this summer. Time flies!
He has grown into an awesome kid. I love the hopes you shared about his future.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Spencer!
I'm so glad I've gotten to know him better because he really is one awesome kid. I think there are great things in store for this guy.
I also really love your letters to your kids, Karen. They are among some of my favorite posts you do. I really hope you get your blog published into a book on Blurb or something because there are alot of things like the letters or your family life that I know your kids will cherish when they are older.
I agree with lindsay>boo, these posts are so touching to read. I can tell how much you love your kids. You are an awesome mom, Karen. I have enjoyed so much getting to your kids in Primary this year. They are sweet, and we are so lucky to have you guys in our ward. I hope Spencer had a great Birthday, and that he's not sick any more. Thanks for letting us come and visit on Sunday. You guys are a wonderful family!
Happy Belated Birthday Spence! One day we'll have to start calling YOU Big Spencer, because it won't be long until you pass up my Spencer! We just love and adore you!
He truly is a special kid. Happy Birthday Spencer! There are lessons that everyone can learn from Spencer, he is an old soul and has so many fabulous qualities.
I hope his day was filled to the brim with all kinds of good times!
Happy belated birthday to your Spencer! He is such a cute kid and has one of the best smiles around. I loved hearing your thoughts for him, I can tell he brings you and your family so much happiness.
Wow! Happy Birthday Spencer! I can't believe he is 8! He is one fantastic kid. You guys should be proud!
Happy Birthday Spencer! YOu are an example to all of us.
Happy Birthday! I love the letters that you write to your kids. They are a wonderful gift that they will treasure when they grow up.
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