My man, my man, where has the time gone? Today is your sixth month birthday and I honestly can't believe how quickly we've gotten here. Your life is moving by way too quickly for my liking. You continue to be a complete dream baby and I love the giggles you now offer up on a regular basis. You smile and laugh, love to see your siblings faces, and are working ever so diligently on sitting upright all by yourself. But my favorite thing? The thing that reminds me once again that you were sent here for me at just the right time? You've been waking up once or twice a night for the past few weeks and while it would generally be frustrating, I know you are doing it to save me. To give me time to study your sweet face and hold you close. To let me forget about all the things I have to do in the holiday rush of this busy season and just be still. To be alone with you in the wee hours and rock you back and forth. I always fall into the most restful sleep once we've had our little rendezvous together because you calm me like no other. You remind me of what's important and reassure me that I'm doing ok. That your brother and sisters will turn out alright, that they know I love them fiercely and that this fight to raise you all as your father and I see fit is worth the battle. You do all that my sweet little man, and I can't thank you enough.
Happy birthday Buzz.
If that sweet little face can't bring happiness, then I don't know what can!
Beautiful letter to your sweet babe, Karen. You are such a good mom!
Happy half birthday Austin. The first year just goes way too fast.
6 months, wow!
That is a good perspective you are taking on those middle of the nighters. There's nothing like snuggling close to your little one and having them fall back asleep.
That has flown. You look radiant with the mom love flowing. Happy Halves Austin.
What a sweet picture of you both.
So happy you're thoroughly enjoying every second with that sweet baby. Your words are proof that you are one amazing mama.
Karen this is a great picture of you. You look fantastic. I hate how fast babies grow up. He's a cutie. Enjoy the next 6 months!
I really really really love this letter...I hope you are planning on making a Blurb book of the letters to your children.
Wow! That is such a good picture of you! Happy 6 months little guy!
He sounds like a sweet little baby- and he sure looks like a sweet baby! And you look so beautiful too!
He is so sweet and lovable. You got so lucky on your last one :)
i feel like we were just prego. What a cute boy he is.
Thanks for your sweet comment :) I am glad you enjoyed the was fun to play!
Happy 6 months to your little one.
Merry Christmas!
That was awesome! I'm already having a teary day, then I had to read that! MAN! I love how you take time to appreciated all of the little things about your life.
Also, love the blanket thing. What a great idea. You are so thoughtful!
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