Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Worth The Wait

Yesterday's rat race gifted me with three pairs of new shoes. Some knee-high leather boots, some adorable black flats, and some green wedges for next spring.

It was worth it.

I hopped out of bed extra early this morning as it was Sienna's first day of preschool. She was beyond excited to be in the "big class" at Ms. Kristen's and couldn't wait to see her friends and show off her new backpack.

Since preschool is right next door to Matt and Jen's (did I mention my brother and sister-in-law moved here? No? Interesting. They did. From Boise. Matty's teaching at PHS with Brad and will create the most beautiful family picture for you if you're interested. Jen is organizing her new home and doing a fabulous job. We are THRILLED they're here.)

Where was I?

Oh, yeah, Matt and Jen's house. I stopped in there after dropping of Sienna and helped her hang some pictures for a bit. The only downside I see to having a husband who is a professional photographer is that you have a gazillion beautiful pictures to hang in your home and it's hard to narrow it down. There is one in the living room of Sims, their son, that I adore. And then there's the family picture over the fireplace...and the one of Jen holding an infant Sims....and then the one of sweet Lily, their's amazing.

My Christmas cards are going to rock this year.

Now I'm back home with a sleeping Austin and no other kids to tend to. It feels bizarre and yet strangely wonderful.

A girl could get used to this.


hmmmmmm..... said...

Wow, what a fantastic day. I'll bet Sienna was so excited to go to preschool. Oh, and the shoe party last night was a BLAST! Thanks so much!

tharker said...

I told ya! Life at home with one child is a fabulous thing!

I love Squish's cute little face. She looks so excited!

I'm excited that Matt and Jen are here too. I can't wait to get to know them better.

Kelly said...

Now I have a hankering to go buy some new shoes...

Hooray Sienna, what a big girl she is!!

Welcome Matt and Jen, I hope to meet them someday soon too.

Enjoy the silence. (Does that sentence take you back to 1989?)

dandee said...

Back to school is a magical time. For them and for us. ;)

Sarah said...

That's got to be a good feeling having the house quiet for a little while and knowing she's off having fun at preschool. She's a cutie!

Ms. Kristen said...

It is soooo nice to have "normal" neighbors! And looking forward to pictures of our family in the future!
Thrilled to have my sweet her!
And love my new flats!
Happy days!

tharker said...

Love the new header!!!