It turns out that the world's most perfect paint color really does exist, and it's name is RYE by Behr Premium Plus. How do I know this you ask? Because my living room and kitchen look positively AMAZING when flanked in this beautiful color. Everything looks better, from the pictures on the walls to the food caked onto the banisters by Sienna's high chair. I am so smug with myself. Even my girlfriend who is in the middle of a major overhaul of her 70's styled house is going to switch her colors up to include the almighty Rye. It's truly something special. What is equally remarkable is that we started this project this evening around 7, while tending to four small children, and finished at about 11:30. Brad came home from class and presto-change-o, our home had been transformed.
If only the universe would reveal all it's secrets to me.
You're so right! Rye is the color of the gods! Your house rocks, not that it didn't before, but now it REALLY rocks! Plus how fun was it to jump up on your fridge and paint! (For the two seconds that I actually helped that is) Tharker
How 'bout you post a picture of the GREAT RYE that adorns your walls that you are an expert blogger with photo skills.
Glad to hear you're happy with your new color scheme! Miss you and wish I could beam myself into your living room to see you and your rye in person.
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