Today, the beautiful, the talented, the most amazing hair cutter in the world...
turns a year older.

(Uh, no, this isn't OUR Megan Lee but since I don't have a picture of her and Google tells me that this chick's name IS Megan Lee, I thought it would do.)
To Megan, my opposite in almost every way and my dear, dear friend,
Happy Birthday!
(The funny thing is that she probably won't see this for weeks because she rarely checks my blog, but I wanted to tell her I heart her anyways.)
Isn't Megan's birthday tomorrow???
Happy Birthday one day early Megan!
She knows how to do hair that is for sure. And so much fun. I get my fix on people mag when there. Happy Birthday Megan. Hairs to you.
Um, yeah, I'm an IDIOT.
Her birthday is tomorrow.
I hate myself.
But it's still a nice tribute, right?
Keep sending her well wishes. What's a day or two when you're old????
Ha Ha! Karen you are a great friend!
I totally thought you had another friend who did hair, and you didn't want to hurt her feelings by not referring to her as the most amazing hair cutter. Because we all know that's Megan!
You are a funny gal!
Happy Birthday Megan! Better early than late, right?
I'm pregnant, people! That's the only defense I have.
And it's a darn good defense Karen! It's the thought that counts, and I'm sure that Megan appreiciates it.
That's hilarious. I love that you used that picture of some random Megan Lee, and I love that you were a day off because I totally did the same thing with one of my best friends a few months ago...none of you knew cause she was kind enough to not rat me out! I felt like the biggest heel!
Happy Birthday tomorrow Megan!
Happy Early Birthday Megan! You Rock!
I hope you have a fun couple of days Megan. You've got some good friends that like to celebrate for days! Oh and I love the work you do. They've got some great hair cuts!
One day early is way better then remembering one day early and then forgetting to say something until a week later! Happy B-day Megan you are awesome!
Happy Birthday to Megan. Better to wish early than late!
I too, love the picture of the total stranger...clever girl.
Wow. Megan sure did age horribly this past year. Hope she has a great birthday anyway!
Thank you Karen for the great post & I love my picture. I think I haven't looked better in years. You are a great friend.
Thank you for everything today. When you left Kendell said it feels good when everyone keeps thinking about you and I agree.
Happy Birthday to Megan. The girl who has consistantly given me the best haircut I've ever had.
"Stylist to the stars"...Megan, I LOVE the name!!!!
Happy Birthday- keep styling away!
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