I have to say, I have always overlooked your tremendous potential. I'm usually more of an MTV girl and I hate to think of the quality programming that you could have provided me with over the years where it not for my preference for another music channel.
But yesterday, as I laid about trying to do my best impression of a woman on bed rest, you revealed your secrets to me. And my life has been transformed.
How glorious! How entertaining! Your choice of running the entire season of "The Bachelorette" brought me nothing but happiness!
I had forgotten all about the story of Ryan and Trista. How he was shy and endearing. How she was flirty and borderline obnoxious. How she talked in a baby voice that made me want to shoot myself and how he created poetry with words like "Shamu" in them. It was delightful.
And then, as if that weren't enough, you also ran the three part series "Ryan and Trista's Wedding" which made me giggle and cheer. The amazing scenery that was overtaken by the gigantic bottles of Pepto Bismol that threw up everywhere. The fact that there were enough flowers to outfit the entire Rose Parade. The drum of the helicopters as they floated over head, trying desperately to get pictures of this famous couple who are famous for doing what exactly?

Anyway, it was divine, and it managed to tick off another day of the pregnancy waiting game. I salute you, VH1, and your excellent television programmers.
What a great way to enjoy a day on bed rest. I loved the Bachelorette with that season and I'm in love with Deanna too. Have you been watching this season? I think I'm more hooked on the Bachelorette than the Bachelor. It's more real when there's only 1 girl instead of 25!
SO glad you are taking care of yourself. Bring on the VH1!
I called a friend yesterday, and she was so engrossed with this rerun, that I said I'll call you later. Must have been that good. Glad it helped you through some hours Paprika.
I love me some VH1. My favorite were the "I love the 80's" specials outlining all things pop culture in each and every glorious year of the 80's. But really, you knew this already right?
VH1 the lesser of two evils. I could spend hours tuning into the 80's shows and of course the marathons they have.
I'm a girl without cable. . .so, I don't really know. But, I loved that season of the bachelor and watched all the way through to the wedding. Currently watching the new bachelorette (much to hubby's dismay) does sound like a good way to pass some time--take care
I with Tiffany I LUUUUUV watching "I Love the 80's". VH1 has some really great shows! Hope you are doing well! Get as much rest as you can!
I too am cable-less. I think I could really appreciate the 80's show mentioned. I'm thrilled you found something entertaining to pass the time. I usually skip the whole season of every reality show and watch the finale. It's amazing how much they recap in that one episode. So, what will it be tomorrow? Do a little Food Network.
Sometimes mindless tv surfing is so relaxing. The whole Trista and Ryan thing is kind of funny to me. I wonder if they are embarrassed about all of the hooplah now.
I was gagging back a little bile reading this post till I realized that (I think) you were mocking this show. Then my respect for you returned. I didn't watch this season, but their picture and every detail of their relationship/marriage/wedding and first baby plastered all over People was more than enough for me. I could never see their picture again and die a happy girl.
I prefer the bachelorette to the bachelor because it seems like the bachelorette is actually interested in finding a hubby, whereas the bachelor is just having a good ol' time kissing all the ladies.
I love the 80's takes me back. Love each episode! In fact I just saw a Breezin' jacket the other day and I thought of you. Do you remember those? I wanted one soooo bad and of course, you got one! I was jealous!! Those were the days my friend!
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