Well, that was one heck of a good time.
When the doorbell rang on Saturday afternoon, my heart jumped. I ran to the door and was greeted by six faces that instantly transported me to another time. After hugs all around (and can I say how grateful I am for men who hug and aren't embarrassed to be affectionate? We're all friends for goodness sakes and a hug was exactly the welcome I wanted everyone to have. Good job men!) we came inside and immediately started in. Started in on conversations that lasted hours and hours and hours (think 3 a.m.) A run down of everyone's children and ages since the Rizz and I don't know their kids. We caught up on jobs and homes, pet and families and then started in on all the amazing memories that made up College Life. Cory & Sonja showed up and surprised Jeff & Amy and we had the best time. We laughed until we cried, ate ourselves silly and then headed out to the concert.
And can I just say for a moment that Marilyn rocks? Like, really amazingly, truly, ROCKS. This girl is following her dream and bringing AMAZING music to our little neck of the woods. She is putting herself out there, having faith that it will all work out and providing our community with experiences that we would never get to have otherwise. I think it's tremendous. I think she's tremendous. I think anyone who is living their life by following their passions is living the kind of life we were intended to live and Marilyn has set the bar high. I'm so tickled to call her my friend and so happy to be able to benefit from all her hard work. The Lower Lights were enchanting. They dazzled us with their sweet melodies and spirited stories, reminded us of a simpler time and filled our souls with the music that everything good is built upon. I loved it. My husband loved it. The dear friends we brought over from the west side loved it. It was a beautiful night and I can't wait for the next one. A heartfelt thanks to Marilyn and the wonderful Lower Lights. Buy their CD here. You will be so thrilled you did. And find out what Marilyn is up to next by going here.
When we got back home and changed into some much comfier clothes, we settled into the family room and started back where we had left off. And I don't know if it was the combination of us not seeing each other for so long, or the fact that we were all so thrilled to be together, but the night felt magical. I can't say enough how fantastic it was. The conversation was awesome and reminded me how much I adore these people. They ushered me into a new chapter in my life as a new wife years ago and I know their examples have helped shape who I am today. I am so grateful that they drove all over creation and farmed out their kids to be here. I am so grateful that they immediately supported me in my crazy notion of getting everyone here to attend a concert they had never heard of without question. I am so grateful for the people they are and what they mean to me and Brad. Friends like this are priceless and we are so blessed to know them.
Sadly, this is where I would post a picture but I didn't take one. I know! I'm beside myself but we literally didn't even think of it. We were so immersed in conversation that the hours flew by and before we knew it, it was time to say goodbye. Next time.
To Jeff & Amy, Laura & Josh, Scott & Maile....thank you. Thank you for coming, for sharing yourselves with us and reminding us of so much happiness. Thanks for creating new memories and reminding us how important friendships are. We loved every second and can't wait until next time.
I'm so glad you all had such a good time together! My very favorite friendships are the ones that pick up right where you left off...even years later.
We had such a wonderful time. It was so nice to see everyone and to get to tell you in person how much I love and miss you. Thanks for everything!
I was worried you would be too sick to enjoy your time, but I am sure glad you did! You are a fantastic friend so I am not surprised you were able to pick up where you left off.
Thank you for blogging about it! We are still recovering from this weekend but it was worth every single second. We had the best time and can't wait to do it again. This weekend??? :)
Sounds so nice! Makes me want to come plop myself on your couch sometime soon. :) Glad you were able to have a wondeful weekend regardless of feeling so crummy.
Sounds like a blast. Hope you have recovered from all that fun. :)
We had a really fun time! Next time for sure there will be dancing in the aisle. Great to see everyone! Really brought back the memories!
don't you just love the comfort of old friends? the tried and true ones- the ones that let you start up like there hasn't been any years in between. love that you got a slice of that last weekend.
wasn't the concert amazing?! i like your friend jeff's comment - yes next time - we'll all be brave enough to dance in the aisle. am so proud of marilyn and so sad that so many people missed out on such an amazing event.
love, lindsay
Magical is the perfect word for a weekend like that! I'm so bummed I didn't have the chance to chat with you after the concert, we don't see enough of each other these days...
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