In mid July, my sweet husband Brad and I had the chance to spend a few days with some dear friends, the Sandifers, who had just bought a jet-ski. We visited with them at a friend's lake house and had a blast tubing on the lake and racing around on such a fun toy.
Once we got back home, I noticed Brad had spent some time "investigating" said jet ski on the internet. A google here, a yamaha.com there, assuring me that it was just some "interested research." As one who never lets money get in the way of fun, I said REPEATEDLY "go buy one. We'll have such fun!" At one point, a picture of his dream machine was even set as our desktop image but he continued to tell me he wasn't all that interested.
One month later, after countless discussions on the pros and cons of personal watercraft ownership, enter Matt, Brad's other half. Brad and Matt, while sharing a striking physical resemblance, are identical in brain function (or lack of brain function as many past experiences can attest to!)
Matt arrived for a visit late last night (Thursday) and by 9 am this morning, Brad was on the phone with the bank securing financing for the jet ski. Interesting.
Now, I have no problem with this purchase. I am completely supportive and excited about our newest toy. My only issue is that while I been cheering on this purchase for the past month, it apparently took the cajoling of Tweedledum for Tweedledee to finally relent. Whatever persuasive power I thought I had in this relationship went flying out the window.
So here's our new toy, complete with one extra large tube for your enjoyment. We'll see you on the river.
Hmmm....that is quite exciting. I've used them before. They are like sex: a rush, addicting and always on the mind when you don't get it very often. Not surprising then that the men purchased it. When are you getting a wake board?
That last comment was not implying that you don't "put out" it was simply stating that with men, it is NEVER enough!
Um,hello, Michele, can you please keep your comments G Rated????
Just kidding, you crack me up. :)
I agree with Michele.
Who is GS???
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