Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Christmas Letters, Day 2

Dear Hannah,

Thinking of you at this lovely stage in your life makes me smile. Everything about you right now brightens my face and causes me to grin my big old toothy grin. You are becoming such a delight and I love what you bring into our home.

It's not always easy, being the mother of such a fiercely independent girl and we certainly can find ourselves at odds but I'll let you in on a little's usually because I am too stubborn. You have taught me so much about how to be a mom and I love that at the end of every day, no matter what has transpired, you hug and love on me the most.

You are blossoming in the first grade and although it's been harder than you thought, learning a new language while keeping on top of your native language, you are a fighter and are taking charge. I love that about you. Your teacher is pleased with who you are in the classroom, relying on you as a leader and it's role you take to naturally.

But my very favorite thing? The thing that makes me so incredibly proud? The sister you are to your siblings and the helper you are to me and dad overwhelms me. You are the first to watch out for Austin's safety and help me with him in any way you can. Sienna is completely enamored of you and wants to be like you in every way. She cries for you at night when you're away and runs to you whenever you get home. And I love how you're aware of this and work extra hard to make the right choices and be the right kind of girl.

And you know what? Nothing makes me happier.

Merry Christmas, Munners.



Melanie said...

Beautiful Hannah!! I love her personality, maybe it is because she does remind me of you! She is a wonderful girl and we are so thankful that she and Nadia are such good friends!

tharker said...

I love this girl so much! I love that every time she sees me or any of my kids, she goes out of her way to say hello and gives us her huge sweet smile. Plus, it means I get to see those adorable dimples again ;)

Hannah is a wonderful girl, and I'll agree that she is just like her mama. That is a great thing!

Kelly said...

you are so good at these letters girly. What a sweet tribute to such a special Hannah.